Sunday, September 14, 2008

While waiting for berbuka puasa, let me try & recall what telah happened recently..

Oh ya..last weekend, we went to bazaar Geylang 2 days in a row..Serves me right as those 2 nights, I felt the leg-aches! But still, we will be going again, maybe next weekend cos Hubby's & Fitri's raya clothes have not been bought yet. As for me, I will just buy the blouse where I can wear comfortably with the stretchable pants to 'accomodate' my little one in me.

Hubby's been a little busy, 'designing' the house walls..He have plenty of ideas, but I am against some..Hehehe..jangan marah ya dong! Just on the first week of Ramadhan, he assisted in putting up the orange curtains ( last year's) as I don't find it necessary to get a new one this year.

We've also been 'ransacking' the house, emptying cupboards, etc...Biasela..Ni lagi dengan Fitri aje, if adiknye da ade, mungkin I will be more occupied..Alasan kan kan kan..
Alhamdulillah, so far, I am able to fast..All colleagues, especially Chinese, was against the idea..But I told them, if I'm healthy, so long I do not have headache & stomachache, insya allah I will fast..

Waktu berbuke da hampir tiba..Nak siapkan spaghetti ni..Bye!

1 comment:

Duwi said...

Susah betullah nak leave comment.. hehehe nak kena sign on..

Aniwae sis. how are you. DAh lama tak dengar berita... Sekali diam2 dah POPed eh!

Take care and Selamat HAri Raya to you and family!