Oh ya..Wishing all Daddys' A Happy Father's day where ever you are..W/o Dad, we wont exist right?? Hey..Mummies play a very big part too in this okay..Okay2, we need both hands to clap to 'make' us exists ya..Happy y'all?? BIL & SIL bought a Mango cake from Prima & we got FIL & our hubbies to cut the cake b4 filling our stomach. Talking about that, to pamper & relax ourselves, BIL & SIL had a full karaoke session at our place yesterday, can make 1 full album, mind you..Semua lagu kite sapu..From Malay to Hindi to English songs..Sampai naik rock suara si BIL kite tu..
Have not been able to visit baby Juni Qatrisya, who have been in hosp for the past 1 week for high fever..Let us all pray that she grows to be a very2 healthy baby and recover from all sickness as soon...Insya allah Amin.
Fitri's been very2 talkative & active lately. She can repeat whateva we said, but she only can catch the last pronounciation..She even talks back at us..Now, we can laugh & joke abt it, but NOT in future ya Girl! She asks for milk frequently..She pulls my hand to the kitchen & says 'mamam'..Hungry all the time..Its okay..That shows that she is growing well..
Mummy Yani's gonna deliver anytime already..Can't wait for the news....Pray for her safe delivery always..
Fitri's sound asleep now after the non-stop playing session with cuzin, Humairah. That's why I have the so-called free time..Now, I cant even imagine if the next baby is delivered..Maybe I wont have the time at all..Arggh....
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