Little that we thot, shortly, after 2 years, Allahyarham menyambut seruan Illahi pada tanggal 20 Ogos 2007 due to a motorbike accident..Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnye dan tempatkannye di antara orang orang yang beriman. Amin. Every day, after prayer, we will sedekahkan Al Fatihah kepadanye. Semoga rohnye tenang sentiasa.
This Raya, we celebrated Raya without him by our side but he is always near to all's heart.Hubby requested for this entry as he misses him badly but Hubby redha akan pemergian adiknye, whom he is very close with at their workplace. I guess all their colleagues are missing their jokes & laughter together. Mari sama sama kite doakan yang terbaik buat Allahyarham. Hubby, I hope you & family are strong enough to go thru this period.
1 comment:
Elo juz read this entry, tak sangka its ur hub's younger bro... knwm him a few years adready, hes like a family member to us too..I'Allah, rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman, I'Allah...
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