Apart from that, we were actually having our late lunch at Banquet Causeway Point, fav bowl of Tom Yam Ban Mian. The soup was super duper hot and spicy!! The night before, we left after 2 hours being in the Watchmen screening. It was so the boring! Dialogues went on and on..Leaving the fighting actions last after every superhero's storylife..Not as per what we have 'craved' for the movie to be..Disappointed..Luckily, the tickets was complimentary.Phew!
Mirsha getting on Hubby's nerves..Why?? Becos she always wakes up close to 6am..Then she starts her vocal exercise..At times, Fitri gets wake up call too. Keciannye dua beranak ni kan..Mama da biase, so I'm fine..

Its's getting late. I better get some sleep before Mirsha wakes up for milk. Dreads the working day tmr!